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DevOps Engineer

This course is designed for students who are looking for in-depth understanding of the essential DevOps tools and it's industrial use case. After completion of this course one can easily manage day to day DevOps engineer tasks such as provisioning container environments using Docker/Kubernetes, provisioning cloud resources using Terraform, monitoring services and version control using GIT.

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Chapter 1 | Ansible

Introduction to Configuration Management, Infrastucture as Code, Introduction to Ansible, Ansible Architecture, Inventory Management, Ansible Modules, AD-HOC Commands, Ansible Playbooks, Ansible Roles

Chapter 2 | Terraform

Introduction to Terraform, Terraform vs Ansible, Terraform Architecture, Terraform Configuration, Terraform Common Commands, Managing Terraform Resources, Terraform State, Terraform Project

Chapter 3 | Docker

Containerization, Namespaces, Docker, Docker Architecture, Container Lifecycle, Docker CLI, Port Binding, Detached and Foreground Mode, Dockerfile, Dockerfile Instructions, Docker Image, Docker Registry Container Storage, Volumes, Docker Compose

Chapter 4 | Kubernetes

Introduction to Container Orchestration, Kubernetes Core Concepts, Understanding Pods, ReplicaSet, and Replication Controller, Deployments, DaemonSets, Rolling Updates and Rollbacks, Scaling Application, Services Persistent Storage in Kubernetes, Primitives for PersistentVolumeClaims, Secrets and ConfigMaps.

Chapter 5 | Nagios

Introduction to Continuous Monitoring, Introduction to Nagios, Installing Nagios, Nagios Plugins(NRPE) and Objects, Nagios Commands and Notification.

Chapter 6 | Elastic, Logstash & Kibana (ELK) Stack

ELK Introduction, ELK Installation, Configurations, ELK Integration with Zimbra for logs, Rsyslog setup for ELK, Kibana Understanding, Filebeat understanding, Dashboard Creation/Visualization, Automatic Dashboard creation and Different beats for better server monitoring.

Chapter 7 | Git Version Control

Version Control, Git Introduction, Git Installation, Commonly used commands in Git, Working with Remote repository, Branching and merging in Git, Git webhook token creation, Git webhook Management.

Chapter 8 | Jenkins (CI/CD)

Jenkins Architecture, Jenkins Installation with Docker, Plugin Management in Jenkins, Jenkins Delivery Pipeline, Jenkins Declarative pipeline, Jenkins CICD pipeline With Git.

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